Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wacky Wednesday - Scientist To Do List

Today's Prompt: Write a to-do list for a horrible inventor who ages 20 years in 1 day.

This week, we decided to combine our individual lists into one for you.

Dana Lee, Melody Joy, and Pope Jon wrote:

- Find a way to reverse the effects of my anti-aging potion.
- Buy more Preparation H.
- Buy stock in anti-aging cream.
- Buy rat food.
- Come up with a better system for feeding the rats that doesn't involve re-programming the feeder robot in between each animal.
- Do the laundry.
- Call Maybelline and convince them to give me a lifetime supply of anti-aging creams in exchange for inventing them a female robot to do all their commercials for them.
- Create perfect female robot to do Maybelline commercials.
- Sell aging-cream lotion to non-suspecting citizens of the world.
- Sell remains of potion to rich children or youngest siblings in cultures still committed to birthrights.
- Buy more Preparation H.
- Get an earlier sleep schedule: preferably in bed by 8 pm, awake by 4 am.
- Shut those neighborhood kids up.
- Fix the problems on the prototype self-propelled flying machine.
- Figure out the meaning of life.
- Figure out if age really brings wisdom.
- Convince colleagues that this was intentional.

- See if I can get a refund on that anti-aging cream.
- Find the receipt for that anti-aging cream.
- Research alternates to adult diapers.
- Prank video call everyone who bullied me in high school.
- Finish blueprint to the “make you feel like you’re upside down” goggles.
- Plan over the hill birthday party.... (Might as well because I already missed turning 50 as it is)
- Do more crossword puzzles.
- Let my wife know.

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