Saturday, January 24, 2015

Saturday Extras!

Monday's prompt: What is your earliest memory?

Dana Lee wrote:

When I was younger my mom ran a daycare out of the house. About once a week we would all ride our bikes to what we called the cookie store. To this day I do not remember the actual name of the store, even though my mom told me about a million times. At the cookie store I always got wafer cookies because there were three separate flavors and I was able to get one of each.

On one day in particular, Barney was visiting the store so of course we had to go see him. I had it all in my head that I was going to sing the "I love you" song to him because that is what you do when you see Barney, right? When all was said and done I got nervous and did not sing. I was mad the whole way home. I probably got grounded when I got home for causing such commotion but I do not remember for sure.

Wednesday's prompt: Write a TV news spot about a jittery spider monkey who wins the lottery.

Chuck C. wrote:

“This is Action Channel 8 MNKY news, I'm Mary Supial, coming to you live from the Detroit zoo, where BoBo the monkey is absolutely ecstatic. Today he found out that the lottery ticket the staff here bought him is a winner. BoBo the monkey is now 100 million dollars richer. When I asked what he would get with his new found millions, he flung his poo in my face and screamed loudly. According the staff this means he will buy himself a banana farm and a life time supply of gogurt. According to the was his favorite.  Back to you John.”

Friday's prompt: What is your favorite song? Re-write a verse or a chorus to it.

Pope Jon wrote:

I find it difficult to pick one favorite song of all time, although there are many likely candidates. However, I have been listening to a song recently that I consider my current favorite, and I have actually already reworded the final chorus.

The song is about moving on from something old to something new, leaving behind pain and troubles, and holding true to one's self during it all.

The original chorus goes:

"It's time to begin, isn't it?
I get a little bit bigger, but then I'll admit
I'm just the same as I was
Now don't you understand
That I'm never changing who I am."

But I've changed the final chorus to add a sense of finality and confidence:

"It's time to begin, this is it!
I get a little bit bigger than this, I'll admit
I'm just the same as I ever was,
Now don't you understand
That I'm never going back again?"

It doesn't change the meaning of the song or even the spirit, but I feel like it adds variety and a stronger purpose as the song closes.

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