Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wacky Wednesday - Dearly Departed Fairies

Today's prompt: Write the obituary of a fairy blacksmith.

Photo complements of: Bryan DeFilippi

Pope Jon wrote:

Elvo Elfin, a royal blacksmith to Oberon, was shot dead today at the senseless age of 83.

Elvo was often feared and misunderstood by his fellow blacksmiths for his desire to create hammers, plate armor, and other "crude" items. Oberon saw through the stigma, however, and asked Elvo to construct such items for him and the Guardians of Nature, an elite branch in the Fairy Royal Military. Elvo refrained from creating traditional wands, staffs, and knives for your average fairy, and was highly respected for his fine craftsmanship by many shamans, sentinels, and druids of various races.

Elvo shall be remembered as a fairy who did what he loved, and did it well. He bridged the gaps between fey folk and mortal races, and will live on for eternity through his masterful smithing.

Melody Joy wrote:

Olive Flameglow was a fairy who truly loved her craft and contributed greatly to her community long before she became the hero that we all know her as now. In fact, many of our readers have been directly affected by her hard work. She not only created the nails and connection parts to nearly all of the buildings and houses of Polliton, but she also fashioned the swords and battleaxes that we used in our battle against the rabid squirrels. It was while she was bringing more weapons to the battle that lost her life. However, it was that last group of specialized weapons that ensured our victory over our foes and reinstated the peace that we enjoy. It is therefore with deep admiration and gratitude that we mourn the loss of this amazing fey person.

Chuck C. wrote:

Today, a dear friend and mentor Pixie Wrought-Iron went to be with the great fairy in the sky. Succumbing to the ravages of time, he went on surrounded by all the friends and family he had accumulated over his 140 years of life. He will not only be remembered for his fine iron works, enjoyed by soldier and Child alike. He is survived by his loving wife Vixie, his son Dixie, his daughter Mixie, and countless friends. Memorial services will be held at the Highpoint Forge tomorrow at 6pm. In lieu of flowers please donate to the Blacksmiths Benevolence and Beer fund.

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