Monday, April 13, 2015

All About Me Monday - No Use Crying Over Spilled..... Stuff

Today's prompt: Write about a time you spilled something.

Dana Lee wrote:

I am a very clumsy person. God has not granted me the gift of gracefulness. I am always spilling stuff, knocking stuff over, and bumping into things. I wish I was exaggerating. One day in particular was a doozy.

I was working in a fast food restaurant as a shift manager. I was trying to show an employee how to change the fruit punch in the back of the restaurant. Somehow the bag came open in the process. This bag is massive. It probably weighed about 10 pounds and was awkward because of the liquid inside of it. Fruit punch was spilled everywhere!! It looked like a murder scene. We somehow managed to bandage up the bag and put it back in the box it was normally stored in. I have never seen so much fruit punch in my life.

Pope Jon wrote:

I actually make a habit of spilling things, especially at dinner parties of people I barely know.

The perfect example of this happened when I was around 17 years old, and was dragged along by the 'rents to a Christmas gathering at a pastor's house. I decided that I was going to try to stay upstairs and converse with the adults, rather than do what I really wanted and watch "Horton Hears a Who" with all the kids/other teenagers.

Well, before long I set my drink on the floor beneath my chair, and promptly kicked it over. As anyone else who has frequently spilled beverages or the like will understand, there's something childish and embarrassing about uttering the phrase, "I spilled," to whoever is unofficially best suited to clean it up. In most cases, it's a mom, so she tends to handle it with grace.

As my drink was spilled and the polite but teasing jokes were made, I realized that I'd be better suited in the basement after all. I took a deep breath before beginning the descent, knowing that every young person in the basement would be looking at me when I appeared. Much to my relief, the awkwardness only lasted a few seconds. I broke the ice with a guy a few years younger than me by confessing to what I'd just done, and enjoyed the last 20 minutes of "Horton Hears a Who," which is now on my long list of movies of which I've only seen the endings.

Chuck C. wrote:

Just a normal run to Sam's Club. That was the idea at least. My clumsiness had other plans though. I was perusing the wine section, which was surprisingly ample, when I found the perfect bottle. It was a 2010 Merlot that I had been looking for for quite some time. In my excitement I grabbed it off the shelf and carefully placed in the cart. I made the critical mistake, though, of placing it in the child seat. When I pushed the cart forward the fine elixir shifted just the wrong way and flew through the leg holes. The crash it made, and the subsequent splash of staining red liquid drew the attention of every passerby in the immediate area. My face turned as red as the liquid that now stained my pants. Panicked, my traveling companion and I bolted. On the way out though, conviction set it. I grabbed an employee and said “I saw someone drop a bottle of wine in the wine section; just thought I'd let you know."

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