Today's prompt: Explain the deep philosophical meaning behind this painting.
Chuck C. wrote:
This is the final explanation, the final reason, the ultimate answer to the age old query “Why did the chicken cross the road?”. You see, on the other side of the road, the chicken finds his true self, his true desire. His full expression. When the chicken final is able to cross the road, he evolves to his final form. Only when he reaches his final form can he find is final prize. Isn’t that what we all desire? To reach are final form? To become who we were meant to be? The grilled cheese is a metaphor for the prize. You see, grilled cheese is objectively the greatest food stuff to ever come into existence. When we reach our intended destination. When we “cross our own road” we finally receive what we have braved proverbial vehicular death for. So I encourage you all, cross your road, get to the other side, and find your prize.
Pope Jon wrote:
This picture answers a simple question: what does it mean to be random?
Now, what one might suspect is that randomness is whatever comes to ones mind. This usually takes form in bizarre ideas, unrelated topics, or unsuitable objects.
But randomness doesn't root from nothingness. It's your mind finding something in your past, and bringing it forth. Like telling a story with similarities to one you've just heard, your mind finds images and words that have a strange, often untraceable connection to what is being observed or remembered at the moment of a requirement for randomness.
One might think of a picture like this and only laugh and say, "It's so random!" While they are correct from their own point of view, the artist will be able to trace why each part of the picture exists, even if each section is completely unrelated. It is, quite possibly a collection of stray thoughts and forgotten stories, rather than something that formed without forethought or careful planning.
So what does it mean to be random? According to this picture, the answer is simple: this is no random.
Or whoever drew it was high.
Melody Joy wrote:
The animal here is a combination between a zebra and a rooster. Zebras are wild cousins of domesticated horses where as roosters are domesticated cousins of wild quail. This represents the duel nature in all of us as we are both wild and longing to be domesticated and domesticated and longing to be wild and free. The floating grilled cheese sandwich is a representation of the simplicity and wonder found in childhood that we all long to go back to. It is only by reconciling our wild and domestic selves can we grow into the child we’ve always been.
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