Monday, April 6, 2015

All About Me Monday - What Keeps You Up at Night?

Today's prompt: What was something that kept you up past your bedtime as a child? What keeps you up late at night now?

Melody Joy wrote:

When I was a little older and had a lamp by my bed, it was books and word puzzles that kept me up, but when I was a younger child, it was my imagination that kept me up. I created stories as I sat on my bed, turning my stuffed animals and myself into characters, and we acted out various scenes from the story that was ever ongoing in my mind. That story has remained all these years, and I do hope to someday get it written and maybe even published.

Now, it’s once again my mind that keeps me up late at night, but it’s more of its reeling thoughts that prevent sleep from coming as opposed to my imagination. Sometimes, as every worry, concern, and possibility swirl around me, I do wish that it was just my imagination that was keeping me up. At least when I was a child, there were exciting stories being created rather than problems being mulled over that are not likely to be solved just by thinking about them.

Pope Jon wrote:

When I was young and pure, I caused plenty of trouble for my parents. Now that I'm old and corrupt, I am far more efficient in my trouble causing.

But as a wee lad, I loved to sneak downstairs after my parents were in bed to watch television or play video games. Over time I figured out where the creaks in the floor were the worst, and memorized the most stealthy route. I even dragged my younger brother along, but I don't think he was as passionate about our late night excursions as I was.

I had a fascination with several shows that aired around 12:30 until 3:00. If I managed to get down on time, I'd watch Craig Ferguson on the Late Late Show. I don't remember all of them, but the other shows that aired that late were usually less popular or out-dated sitcoms. Like Becker, Just Shoot Me, or Cheers.

This was during the time period in my childhood when my brother and I were really into renting video games. We usually got games that we were either testing to see if we wanted to purchase them, or if we knew we would get bored with them quickly.

You know, like Madden.

Character creation was the most thrilling part of any sports game for me.

Dana Lee wrote:

I was notoriously bad at falling asleep as a child. While my sister could just go to bed and fall asleep, I had to force myself to sleep. For a few years we shared a bunk bed in this tiny room in the front of my house. Because I was the youngest I was on the bottom bunk. I would often sing about what I did during the day. I literally would talk about what I did that day but in a sing-song voice. I would also kick the bottom of my sister's bed and spell her name in a sing-song voice. She absolutely hated this and would tell me to stop a few times before I just passed out. When I was a little bit older my dad allowed me to watch wrestling with him. The show on Thursday nights lasted until 10:00 pm so that was the only night of the week I was allowed to stay up late. It was our bonding time.

Now I do not stay up very late. I am very much a morning bird. If I am awake past 10:00 I usually feel exhausted and ready to pass out. I am sure my roommate can agree to this. When I am staying up late I am either watching something online (via Netflix or other fabulous apps) or I am reading a story on my iPad.

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