Friday, April 3, 2015

Friday Favorites - Tree Families

Today's prompt: What is your favorite tree or type of tree? Write about a family that lives in one.

Pope Jon wrote:

I'd have to say that my favorite tree is Charlie Brown's Christmas tree, but before it got all mainstream and the other kids decorated it.
Charlie Brown liked this tree before it was cool.

I imagine a very desolate and run-down little family might live within the "tree." You know, like a poor version of The Borrowers.

What's with my fascination of classic movies from my childhood lately?

Anyway, they'd be like a northern wildling version of The Borrowers. We'll call them The Takers. They are the poor cousins of The Borrowers, who can't afford to give anything back. They'd have to make clothes out of what few pine needles they could afford to harvest. They'd have an extremely limited supply of wood for making fire or shelter. I suppose the other kids dressing up the tree was like a gift from heaven for The Takers, since they'll actually be able to stay warm with all that extra shelter. Maybe they can afford to go to nearby trees and get supplies now, or perhaps start trading all those decorations for goods.

They might even be called The Havers after this! Or at least The Have-Slightly-More...ers... or maybe The Don't-Take-As-Muchers?

Or maybe they'll become tragic villains and just start robbing Borrowers as a form of revenge for their own suffering, and keep being called The Takers.

Borrowers 2: Revenge of The Takers!

Melody Joy wrote:

My favorite type of tree by far is the silk cotton tree. Admittedly, I didn’t know their actual name until I did some Google searching, but I do love them dearly. There’s one near my place of work that I admire every time we drive past. I love them mainly because of their large and interesting root structures, but also because their branches are so thick I’m quite certain that a tree house could easily be built in one.

I imagine that a family living in a silk cotton tree would have an epic tree house with multiple rooms spread throughout the wide branches, or could hollow it out to live inside the thick trunk. They could also build a playground out of the roots with holes to climb through and make some of the roots into awesome slides.... Well, I guess I better be going. I have to find some property for sale that has a good silk cotton tree on it.

Chuck C. wrote:

It was at once the most regal and the saddest looking tree in the neighborhood. The 400 year old whomping willow was truly a sight to behold. 50 feet in diameter and nearly 150 feet tall, it was truly massive. It was rumored that, in its massive trunk was a family of muggles that had manged to hollow it out and hide themselves inside it, sustaining themselves on the surprisingly sweet and nutrient rich tree sap that came through it. Nobody has ever seen them leave or enter, but every once and while sounds of rubber duckies and vacuum cleaners can be heard coming from within it.

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