Today's prompt: Write a letter to a spy that contains a hidden secret message.
Pope Jon wrote:
Spent a lot of time on this one, let me know if you manage to crack the code!
"To the ASSASSIN of my heart, BILL.
It just KILLs me that we have to be this far apart all THE time. I went to TARGET the other day and realized I'd be returning for more groceries WITHIN THREE DAYS. I always seem to FORGET something! The neighborhood has been STAYING QUIET while you've been gone, which is the BOMB. IF you find it NECESSARY, be sure to bring home some souvenirs. Oh, and I finished up our final car PAYMENT last week, AFTER I'd paid this month's water bill. Send me a reply soon! I want CONFIRMATION of our love!
Your BOSS and wife, SAM."
They don't call me "The Puzzler" for nothing! Nor do they call me that at all!
Dana Lee wrote:
Dear Spiggins,
There aRe pEople ALL over Your house. SmaLL rocks are being moved and I am not sure Why. All I know is That Children Hear Yelling On Umbrellas. Razors Beckon your Call Kindly.
Melody Joy wrote:
Dear Geoffrey,
It is with my deapest condotences that / write to you about the passing of your nother who / know was an anazing women who always look care of you and your brothras. Please find this doquet of flewers to be am attribution to this wonberful woman who raised you right.
Melody Joy
P.S. Please excuse my grammar mistakes as I find myself in distress right now and writing quickly and perhaps have not taken care to carefully edit this message before sending it to you. Feel free to make the necessary corrections.
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