Monday, May 25, 2015

All About Me Monday - Languages

Today's prompt: Do you speak other languages? What languages do you speak? Why did you choose to learn them?

Dana Lee wrote:

I am currently living in Honduras teaching English as a second language. I speak enough Spanish in order to survive in a primarily Spanish-speaking country. I improve everyday. I am always learning how to say new things with the assistance of Google, apps, and the few bilingual people that I know. When I originally took Spanish in college I did not know how hard it would be surrounded by Spanish on a regular basis.

Pope Jon wrote:


While I'm far from fluent or even conversational, I'm currently learning Korean. I also know a small amount of basic Spanish, and I can understand far more than I can speak it.

A Spanish-speaking individual would be like talking to Boomhauer for me.

Tell you what, man, I can figure out the dang ol' meaning, but you dang ol' won't catch me talking back the same dang ol' way.

References to beloved but relatively unknown cartoon characters aside, I learned Spanish primarily because if the missions trips I participated in as a teenager.

I'm learning Korean for much the same reason, but this time I'm using a small business, Talk To Me In Korean, instead of an even smaller business, Macomb Community College.

Chuck C. wrote:

I don't in the strictest sense “speak” any other languages besides good ol 'merican. I have, however, spend some time studying two other languages and know enough of them to.... not really do anything but present trivia. In early high school I spent a considerable amount of time studying German. There were a couple of reasons for this.

First was the fact that I was born in Germany while my dad was stationed there in his time in the United States Army. From the time I was young I always had an obsession with German culture and language. It was the place of my birth and a fascinating culture with a rich history that I just loved to explore. Why, though, did my study of the language not really ignite until high school? Well that we can thank the German industrial metal band Rammstein for.

In late middle school going into high school I was absolutely obsessed with this band. It was really all that I would listen to. I had three of their albums, and listened to every minute of them many times. My desire to actually understand what they were saying drove me to want to actually learn the language. I took a semester of it my sophomore year and a semester my senior year. I managed to learn quite a bit and even could have brief conversations in German with my friend’s Austrian mother who was gracious enough to tolerate my bumbling attempts at her native language.

When I hit college though, I shifted gears, with no small amount of irony, to studying Hebrew. I majored in Theology and Hebrew was the language the vast majority of the Bible was written in. I had the choice between Hebrew and Greek. I went with Hebrew because I found the language to be elegant and beautiful, where as Greek seemed far too mathematical for my taste. I ended up taking about a year of Hebrew and thoroughly enjoyed it, although have since largely forgotten it.

I have the full intention of studying both languages again and learning them more solidly, but Melody is a bit of a slave driver when it comes to the blog, so it’s all her fault I have no time. So everyone blame her, because in no way is my laziness and procrastination at fault. Nope, not even a little.

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