Monday, June 15, 2015

All About Me Monday - Hard Lessons

Today's Prompt: What is something you had to learn the hard way?

Chuck C. wrote:

Something I've learned the hard way? Yeah, cause that is a short list. It’s safe to say that life is one long string of learning things the hard way. I guess though, if pressed, one particular lesson stands out. Do not, under any circumstances, date a woman you've met in a mosh pit. It may sound fun, even adventurous, but it won't end well. Trust me.

Melody Joy wrote:

I feel like I have to learn everything the hard way since I often refuse to listen to advice and am convinced that things will work out differently than me. One major lesson comes to mind, though, regarding driving while distracted.

My first car was a red 92 Dodge Shadow. Not too long after having her, she blew a head gasket, but the repair cost was too much, so I was to drive her until she died, which kept things interesting because she stalled whenever I stopped for more than like 3 seconds... Anyway, I actually ended up getting her fixed by a friend of a friend for a fraction of the cost and was looking forward to the (slightly elongated) life of my very own car.

I was 17, and over confident in my driving abilities. It had been raining for several days, which I learned later makes the roads especially slick because the oils on the road hang out on top of the wet pavement. My car’s tires were also quite bald as I knew nothing of checking tread. To top that off, I had my brothers and a friend in the car, was trying to adjust the radio, and was also attempting to text a friend.

The light was green, so I was assuming that the people in front of me were still moving. However, a couple cars up someone stopped to let another person out of the bank. I looked up in time to slam on the breaks, but it didn’t do anything. I slammed into the car in front of me, an SUV. Being a big taller than my own car, their bumper went above mine perfectly.

I broke the pin that held their spare tire up beneath their car. They crushed the front of my car like a tin can. My poor car made it home, but to open the hood my dad had to later pry it open with a crowbar. The radiator was busted at least, and we’re not sure what else. How did I know the radiator was broken before opening up the hood? That’s another story titled “The Absolute Worst Weekend of My Life or That One Time My Beloved Cat Drank Radiator Fluid And Almost Died After I Crashed My Beloved Car While I Was Home Alone All Weekend.”

Pope Jon wrote:

I learned that I need to write these blog posts sooner. It's 3 am on Saturday morning, and Melody asks for these to be turned in by Saturday.

Now, it waiting until the last minute is something I've always done, and quite frankly, I'm not entirely sure that I've really learned the lesson. I'm afraid sometimes that I'm going to learn it the VERY hard way some time soon.

But the problem with waiting to do the blog posts is that I am now at my wit's end, meaning I'm just about out of wits. And in my amateur opinion, my wits are the reason people even read my posts!

Even after writing the above three paragraphs, my procrastinating self got caught on facebook again. Now I'm even more tired, and less likely to write something worthwhile. So, I guess you can look forward to seeing if I manage anything interesting for Wednesday and Friday!

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