Monday, March 2, 2015

All About Me Monday - Favorite Toys

Today's prompt: Write about your favorite childhood toy.

Chuck C. wrote:

Childhood toy?

My favorite childhood toy is, hands down, the Power Rangers Megazord from the first Power Rangers movie (Yes, there were more than one. No, none of the rest were noteworthy.). It was actually the third Megazord the original team was given. It was referred to as the Ninja Megazord and was the only one until that point that had wings, which made it that much cooler. Does knowing all these minute details of such a show make me a nerd? Yes, absolutely. Am I embarrassed? Not in the slightest.

Melody Joy wrote:

I have a lot of good memories involving a lot of childhood toys, but I think the one that stands out the most is my Cabbage Patch doll I named Christie. There wasn't anything spectacular about her, but she became a main character in the stories I would create at night when I played on my bed with my stuffed animals instead of going to sleep. Since in my stories she was alive, it made perfect sense to me that she had her own smaller Cabbage Patch doll.

She traveled out to Oregon (from Michigan) and back at least once, and I remember the trip because I had recently learned to braid and was slightly obsessed with it, so I spent the majority of the 3 days in the car braiding her hair. I suppose her hair was like that of other Cabbage Patch dolls in that her head wasn't covered in it. Instead, her head was outlined in holes that the individual strands came out of, and had a double row down the center of her head. I did braid all of her hair together several times, but at that point, I had become determined to braid just three strands together at a time. So, by the end of the trip, I had filled her head with thin braids of just three strands of yarn hair each.

Her hair remained like that for several years because I didn't have the heart to take it out once I had put all the work into putting it in. When I finally did get around to taking it out, her hair was crimped from years of being braided. Somewhere around 10 years after that, her hair is still slightly crimped.

Pope Jon wrote:

It's hard to choose one favorite, so I'm going with the most iconic, but still among my favorites.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures. (Heroes in a half-shell!)

I played with those radical dudes for so long that I don't even remember when I got them, how I knew which weapons they used, or even learning their names. As far as my mind is concerned, I've always known everything about them. Since I was a tiny little thing when I got them, my parents decided to take their weapons away, but that didn't stop me from having the lean, green, fighting machines from destroying countless other action figures, stuffed toys, or even me!

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  1. Wow, it tough to narrow it down, so I'll just say HORSES overall. First were the Marx Best of the West horses, cowboy and cowgirl dolls. Johnny West, Jane West, and their 4 kids. I had many hours of fun playing with them in the basement. Then there was my bouncy horse. Goodness sakes, I rode so hard on him that I stretched out the springs and my parents had to get replacements. I can't wait until my grandchildren can ride him someday! And of course...Breyer horses!! I confess -- I am still fascinated with them (very detailed) and though I don't play with them anymore (that I'll admit to), they have an honored place on bookshelves in the living room.

    1. I had a TON of horses growing up, although I only played with a select few of them. Most of them stood proudly on my shelf. Now I've moved out of my parents' house and had to leave them behind, most of them have been sold. :(
