Saturday, February 21, 2015

Saturday Extras - Catch Up!

We missed a few Saturday posts, so here's all the prompt responses that you've missed out on over the last few weeks. Enjoy!

Prompt: Write about one of the following: a recurring dream or nightmare, or describe the feeling of getting déjà vu.

Pope Jon wrote:

When I was much younger, I had a dream wherein I was playing soccer. Unlike most dreams, this one had all the details right: I was playing with the kids who were on my team that season, we were at the same park as in reality, and nothing bizarre happened.

Until we scored a goal.

As my teammates and I ran back to our goalie in celebration, we discovered that the goalie was missing. All that was left was a trail of blood that led to the middle of the field, then ended abruptly.

We searched in confusion and panic, as the "camera" zoomed out and panned upwards, until writing in the sky appeared.

"To Be Continued..." is what it said. Then I woke up.

It hasn't been continued yet, so I suppose it's technically not a reoccuring dream, but I'm a man of my word, so I hope that my subconscious mind follows that mindset.

Prompt: Talk about a decision that came back to haunt you (can be funny or serious).

Chuck C. wrote:

That Club, Yo

A few years ago a friend that I hadn't seen in a long time had come to town. She had spent the past few years in college in North Dakota, so she was looking to enjoy the city life. I picked her up from her brother's house, along with one of her friends at about 8pm. She was quite eager to go one of the clubs that downtown Grand Rapids, MI has to offer.

It can be accurately said that I am the farthest thing from a "club person" that one can be. However, I wanted to show my friend a good time (and, I'll be honest, wanted to woo this girl) so I reluctantly agreed. I found parking, no small task downtown on a Friday, and we made our way to one of the clubs. We walked in, the large muscle-bound bouncer demanded a cover charge from each of us of ten dollars. Completely unreasonable, but us men do silly things when we wish to engage in a romantic undertaking.

We walked in and it was, put succinctly, an introvert's idea of the 7th layer of hell. Loud, bass-heavy music blaring, tight spaces, and a large grind mob consuming a good two thirds of the floor space. I approached the bar, figuring at least can get some beer while I was there. I asked the bartender if they had any craft beer. She said, “Oh yes!” and reached into the cooler, pulling out a Bud Light Platinum. “That'll be 10 dollars,” she said while cracking open the bottle, ensuring I couldn't renege on the deal. I paid her and began sipping my “craft beer”. The next 30 minutes were spent awkwardly standing in the corner while my friend kept trying to get me to join the mob of flesh and intoxicants. I never ended up wooing the girl, and I was out 20 bucks. Definitely a point of regret.

Prompt: Write a funny story about a handsome president who has to save the world.

Dana Lee wrote:

Did you hear the tale of President Mennedy? He was the handsome president who unexpectedly saved the world. You see, he was not the brightest bulb. President Mennedy was once mocked for his lack of knowledge about American history. He believed that the Civil War was fought between the United States and Canada. We all know he only got elected because he is so handsome.

One day Mennedy was ordering lunch for everyone at the White House. On the day he ordered all the pizza, the owners of the business were working hard on bombs they would use to blow up the entire world. However, due to the large order they did not have time to make the bombs and their plans got ruined in a flash flood in the area.

Prompt: Write a rhyming poem written by a pig.

Pope Jon wrote:

Oh, the things I could be!
Tasty, you'll see!
I could be bits on a bag,
For salads and potatoes.
Or strips on a plate,
Served with toast and tomato.

Oh, the things I could be!
Useful, you'll see!
I could be one foot long,
Handled by professionals,
Or transport phones and makeup,
Complete with decor and handles.

Oh the things I could be!
Inspirational, you'll see!
My voice is borrowed by mankind,
The screech beloved by metal bands.
My body is left to science,
Teens tear me apart with bare hands.

Oh the things I could be!
Dead, mostly!

Prompt: What is your favorite color? Write an ode to it.

Chuck C. wrote:

An Ode to Orange

Ode to beautiful Orange,
The greatest of the hues.
So unique, so rare
Not even a rhyme can be made.

You adorn sweet fruit,
Your glow warms the earth.
Flowers, Pumpkins, and Peppers
They all show your splendor

As hair you make the world
happy and unique
Freckles and paste
are your best friends.

A warm glowing sunset
The resplendence is otherworldly.
Tears and fears all abate
In your wonderful presence.

You wrap the carrot,
The root of God
Making cakes moist
Making my sight clear

Orange, oh Orange
Never stop being amazing
Never let your beauty hide.
Shine it bright.

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To read the new poetry blog run by our own Dana Lee, check it out here:

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